How Your Commission Earnings Are Calculated?

Want to know how we calculate what you get paid each time a customer purchases your product? Take a look.

Each time you sell a product, we record a commission for you, based on your commission rate at the time of the sale. The default commission rate is 60%, unless you have a Sketchucation subscription, in which case your commission rate may be as high as 80%. Here's a quick reference chart:

Basic Premium
Commission Rate 60% 80%
Transaction Fee $0.30 None
Merchant Fee 3.5% 2.0%

Commission Formula

The formula to calculate your earnings is this:

( Product Price - (Product PriceMerchant Fee ) - Transaction Fee ) ✕ Commision Rate = Commission

For a $10 product for a Basic Creator account this formula would return this:

( $10 - ( $10 ✕ 3.5% ) - $0.30 ) ✕ 60% = $5.61

For a $10 product for a Premium Creator account this formula would return this:

( $10 - ( $10 ✕ 2% ) - $0.00 ) ✕ 80% = $7.84

Sharing Your Commission

If you are contributing a portion of your earnings to the SketchUp Extension Development Fund or to Collaborators, those percentages will be calculated as a percentage of your commission.

Your final commission after you have made a 5% SketchUp Extension Development Fund contribution, for example, would be calculated like this (based off of the formula in the last section):

The formula to calculate your earnings is this:

Commission - ( CommissionContribution % ) = Commission

For a $10 product for a Basic Creator account who contributes 5% to the SketchUp Extension Development Fund this formula would return this:

$5.61 - ( $5.61 ✕ 5% ) = $5.32
$0.29 donation to SketchUp Extension Development Fund

For a $10 product for a Premium Creator account who contributes 5% to the SketchUp Extension Development Fund this formula would return this:

$7.84 - ( $7.84 ✕ 5% ) = $7.44
$0.40 donation to SketchUp Extension Development Fund

You can also collaborate with other Sketchucation members and share your commission. Their earnings will be subtracted from your commission.

Your commissions are totalled up each month and paid out via PayPal.